Business Services
Looking for qualified employees? Need assistance with a business plan? Or, are you considering layoffs or company closure?
Whatever your need – you are in the right place! We offer a variety of business resources to assist you – all at no charge. We’ve been in your shoes and know that running a business or starting a new business can be exciting, yet intimidating at the same time.
Our Business Services provide a diverse range of no cost services, such as:
- Business workshops and trainings
- Connection to business consultants
- Funding to upskill existing employees
- Confidential Human Resource Hotline
Contact the Business Services Center at 559-230-4062 for more information.
Workforce Connection and Recruitment Assistance
Workforce Connection is committed to matching job seekers to employer needs. We draw from a talent pool of hundreds of people, already pre-trained, pre-screened and ready to get to work. Plus, we offer valuable information on tax credits and incentives, labor market trends, and employee retention. With business costs rising every day, that’s good news for your bottom line. Our Talent Management Specialists can assist you with:
- Securing qualified, pre-screened job candidates to meet your hiring specifications and goals.
- Coordinating and customizing recruitment events, as appropriate.
- Locating labor market information and current Fresno County employment projections.
- Collecting information such as wage data to build your job descriptions.
Fresno4Biz and Our Business Consultant Partners provides the assistance you need when you are not sure who to contact. Through Fresno4biz, you can connect to 12 local non-profit/public organizations who are ready to assist you with: start-up through retention, financial guidance, expansion, layoff aversion, and everything in-between – all at no cost!!
To access this no cost service:
- Log on to
- Click on “Get Assistance Here”
- Identify your need(s) and submit
Within 48 business hours, you will receive a response from the organization(s) that can assist you with your request.
This website also has over 1,000 business forms and tools to use in multiple languages and connects you to an extensive inventory of on-line business training modules.
Visit our Business Services website at
Layoff Aversion or Employee Layoffs
Change is stressful and losing valued employees is difficult. Our Rapid Response program is designed to help businesses make potential layoffs less traumatic for their employees and less costly to their business. In the case of potential layoff or closure, our Rapid Response team, comprised of multiple organizations, are there to help soften the impact by providing customized, confidential, and convenient on-site services for businesses and employees in transition.
Relax! Let our Rapid Response team help you and your employees. Call 559-230-4433

Business Services and Benefits:
- Resources to avert closure or layoffs
- Reduce absenteeism
- Lower unemployment insurance costs
- Increase employee morale
- Reduce the likelihood of work disruptions
- Improve public relations
- Lessen potential liability from wrongful termination suits
Employee Services and Benefits:
- Career counseling and job search assistance
- Resume preparation and interviewing skills workshops
- Unemployment Insurance benefits
- Educational and training opportunities
- Information on health benefits and pension
- Public assistance
- Entrepreneurship
- Credit counseling, debt management, and housing alternatives

Resources to Train Your Staff
Reward your business and your employees too! Learn how you can retain and keep your business competitive through our Upskill Training Program. This program will help you:
- Develop a more skilled and productive workforce utilizing your current employees.
- Identify the knowledge and required skills for each worker and provide a pathway to upskill and validate worker competence.
If you are an eligible Fresno County business, we can ease the financial impact to you by providing a percentage of the training costs. And, we can customize the program to fit your specific needs.
Let’s talk and discuss your specific needs. Call 559-230-4062.
Recruit, Train, and Retain!
Need expert advice in a specific industry or problem area? Access the expertise of 12 twelve local non-profit/public organizations ready to assist you with a start-up company, tips on expansion, financing options, business plan development, confidential human resource advice and much more at.